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Five Steps to Becoming a School Health and Related Services (SHARS) Medicaid Provider

The SHARS program provides Texas school districts, including public charter schools, the opportunity to obtain Medicaid reimbursement for direct medical services and certain costs associated with direct medical services provided to students with special needs under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and documented in a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). The oversight of SHARS is a cooperative effort between the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC).

  1. Enrollment. The district must enroll as an active Medicaid provider for SHARS. For more information on enrolling as a Medicaid provider, instructions for becoming a Texas Medicaid fee-for-service provider are available on the Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) website at:

    For assistance with enrollment please contact the HHSC SHARS staff at (512) 730-7400 or

  2. Random Moment Time Study (RMTS). In order to participate in SHARS each Local Education Agency (LEA) must participate in the RMTS, which includes attending RMTS training annually and submitting participant lists quarterly. Existing LEAs must begin participation with the first quarter which requires training attendance and participation list submission no later than September 15th annually. Non-compliance with RMTS requirements will make an LEA ineligible to participate in SHARS for the entire federal fiscal year (October to September). Participation and training requirements related to RMTS.

    For assistance with participation in RMTS please contact the Time Study staff at

  3. Rates. LEAs providing SHARS are paid on an interim claiming basis using SHARS interim rates. After a district has completed the RMTS requirements and the enrollment process, a district must contact the SHARS staff at to have SHARS interim rates established. 
  4. Interim Claiming. According to Title 1 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §355.8443, LEAs must comply with all interim claiming requirements for SHARS. After items 1, 2, and 3 above have been completed, the LEA can begin interim claiming through TMHP for federal reimbursement. If a LEA fails to interim claim during a cost report period, the LEA is not eligible to submit a SHARS Cost Report. Information regarding interim claiming is available in the Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual (TMPPM) located at:

    For assistance with claims, contact your TMHP Provider Relations Representative at 1-800-925-9126.

  5. Cost Report. According to Title 1 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §355.8443, LEAs must submit an accurate and complete cost report each year in which the LEA actively participates in SHARS. Failure to submit a cost report is grounds for recoupment of all interim federal funds received during the cost report period in which the default occurs. Additional SHARS cost report reference documents.

    For assistance with the SHARS cost report, please contact the HHSC SHARS staff