View the Rate Analysis Digital Signature Authorization information.
In accordance with Title 1 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), §355.8443(e), each School Health and Related Services (SHARS) provider is required to submit an annual cost report for all SHARS services delivered during the previous federal fiscal year covering October 1 through September 30.
In accordance with Title 1 TAC §355.102(d), it is the responsibility of the provider to ensure that each cost report preparer has completed the required state-sponsored cost report training.
In accordance with TAC Rule §354.1342, required cost report training must be completed each federal fiscal year and is not retroactive to previous federal fiscal years.
Automated Web-Based Cost Report
SHARS providers are required to prepare and submit an annual cost report using a web-based system known as the State of Texas Automated Information Reporting System (STAIRS). The system is provided at no charge by the HHSC Department and its contractor, Fairbanks, LLC.
You must have a user name and password to access STAIRS. Please call the Fairbanks, LLC. Help Line at 1-877-354-3831 or e-mail to obtain a user name and password.
Access the Fairbanks, LLC. website
- 2019 Cost Report Information
Effective with October 1, 2011 rule changes, preparers must complete cost report training every other year for the odd-year cost report in order to receive training credit to complete both that odd-year cost report and the following even-year cost report. To have full access to prepare a 2019 SHARS COST REPORT, the preparer must attend SHARS cost report training for the 2019 cost report. NO EXEMPTIONS from the cost report training requirements will be granted.
SHARS Contacts that have not met the training requirement will have "view-only" access. Full access to the online SHARS cost report will be granted after the cost report training requirement has been met. In order to verify if training requirements have been met, please log onto the State of Texas Automated Information Reporting System (STAIRS) and select the appropriate cost report year to view the Training status. The training for the SHARS Financial Contact will be identified as "FY2019 SHARS".
Please note SHARS Overview trainings may be presented at other related training sessions, the SHARS Overview and RMTS trainings do not meet the SHARS cost report training requirement. The SHARS cost report training requirement must be met in order to grant the SHARS cost report preparer full access to STAIRS. Cost report training is provided at no charge by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Rate Analysis Department. Refer to the following link for information regarding the training schedule, registration and materials:
SHARS Cost Report Due Dates:
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) granted the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) approval to change to the federal fiscal year reporting period beginning with the 2008 SHARS Cost Report.
Cost Report Year Dates of Services Cost Report Due Date 2019 10/01/2018 thru 09/30/2019 June 15, 2020 - 2018 Cost Report Information
Effective with October 1, 2011 rule changes, preparers must complete cost report training every other year for the odd-year cost report in order to receive training credit to complete both that odd-year cost report and the following even-year cost report. To have full access to prepare a 2018 SHARS COST REPORT, the preparer must attend SHARS cost report training for the 2018 cost report. NO EXEMPTIONS from the cost report training requirements will be granted.
SHARS Contacts that have not met the training requirement will have "view-only" access. Full access to the online SHARS cost report will be granted after the cost report training requirement has been met. In order to verify if training requirements have been met, please log onto the State of Texas Automated Information Reporting System (STAIRS) and select the appropriate cost report year to view the Training status. The training for the SHARS Financial Contact will be identified as "FY2018".
Please note SHARS Overview trainings may be presented at other related training sessions, the SHARS Overview and RMTS trainings do not meet the SHARS cost report training requirement. The SHARS cost report training requirement must be met in order to grant the SHARS cost report preparer full access to STAIRS. Cost report training is provided at no charge by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Rate Analysis Department. Refer to the following link for information regarding the training schedule, registration and materials:
SHARS Cost Report Due Dates:
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) granted the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) approval to change to the federal fiscal year reporting period beginning with the 2008 SHARS Cost Report.
Cost Report Year Dates of Services Cost Report Due Date 2018 10/01/2017 thru 09/30/2018 April 1, 2019 - 2017 Cost Report Information
Effective with October 1, 2011 rule changes, preparers must complete cost report training every other year for the odd-year cost report in order to receive training credit to complete both that odd-year cost report and the following even-year cost report. To have full access to prepare a 2017 SHARS COST REPORT, the preparer must attend SHARS cost report training for the 2017 cost report. NO EXEMPTIONS from the cost report training requirements will be granted.
SHARS Contacts that have not met the training requirement will have "view-only" access. Full access to the online SHARS cost report will be granted after the cost report training requirement has been met. In order to verify if training requirements have been met, please log onto the State of Texas Automated Information Reporting System (STAIRS) and select the appropriate cost report year to view the Training status. The training for the SHARS Financial Contact will be identified as "FY2017 & FY2018 SHARS".
Please note SHARS Overview trainings may be presented at other related training sessions, the SHARS Overview and RMTS trainings do not meet the SHARS cost report training requirement. The SHARS cost report training requirement must be met in order to grant the SHARS cost report preparer full access to STAIRS. Cost report training is provided at no charge by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Rate Analysis Department. Refer to the following link for information regarding the training schedule, registration and materials:
SHARS Cost Report Due Dates:
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) granted the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) approval to change to the federal fiscal year reporting period beginning with the 2008 SHARS Cost Report.
Cost Report Year Dates of Services Cost Report Due Date 2017 10/01/2016 thru 09/30/2017 April 1, 2018
SHARS Cost Report Reference Documents
View the Cost Report Instructions (.pdf)
View the Cost Report Example (.pdf)
View the Appendix A (.pdf)
View SHARS Informal Review Information Session Presentation (.pdf) (Coming Soon)
Note: The sample cost report is an example used for cost report training purposes only. The actual "cost report" is an automated web-based system (see above).
Report Request Letters
View the STAIRS General Announcement letter (.pdf)
View the STAIRS Initial Contact letter (.pdf)