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Dual-eligible Integrated Care Demonstration Project (Dual Demo)


Effective March 1, 2015, HHSC implemented a new managed care program for certain clients dually enrolled in Medicare and Medicaid (dual-eligibles) – the Texas Dual Eligibles Integrated Care Demonstration Project. The program is a joint venture between the CMS and HHSC and is designed to better align the financial incentives of Medicare and Medicaid and to improve coordination of care for dual-eligibles. The program is voluntary and open to eligible beneficiaries in the following counties: Bexar, Dallas, El Paso, Harris, Hidalgo and Tarrant.

Payment Rate Information

Effective 09/01/2024 (.pdf) These rates are pending CMS Approval.

Revised rates for FY2023 (.pdf) (MCO contracts effective 01/01/2024)-These rates are pending CMS Approval.

Effective 09/01/2023 (.pdf) These rates are pending CMS Approval.

Effective 09/01/2022 (.pdf) These rates are pending CMS Approval.

Effective 03/01/2022 (.pdf) These rates are pending CMS Approval.

Effective 01/01/2022 (.pdf) These rates are pending CMS Approval.

Effective 09/01/2021 (.pdf) These rates are pending CMS Approval.

Effective 03/01/2021 (.pdf)

Effective 09/01/2020 (.pdf) These rates are pending CMS Approval.

Effective 04/01/2020 (.pdf) These rates are pending CMS Approval.

Effective 03/01/2020 (.pdf)

Effective 09/01/2019 (.pdf) 

Effective 03/01/2019 (.pdf)

Effective 09/01/2018 (.pdf)

Revised Rates for FY 2018 (.pdf) (08/01/2018)

Effective 03/01/2018 (.pdf)

Effective 09/01/2017 (.pdf)

Effective 09/01/2016 (.pdf)

Effective 06/01/2016 (.pdf)

Effective 09/01/2015 (.pdf)

Effective 03/01/2015 (.pdf)