In accordance with the directive from the 2012-13 General Appropriations Act (Article II, Health and Human Services Commission, Rider 46, H.B. 1, 82nd Legislature, Regular Session, 2011), the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) issued a survey to the provider community. All hospitals that received payments related to the Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) program and Upper Payment Limit (UPL) programs during federal fiscal year 2011 (October 1, 2010 thru September 30, 2011) were directed to complete the survey.
Below is a link to a Microsoft Excel file to view the results of the Rider 46 DSH and UPL Expenditures Survey. The file is a representation of the survey providers were asked to fill out. By selecting the white cell in the middle of the yellow box at the top of the file, each provider may be selected from the drop down box. Once the provider is selected, the survey will populate with that specific providers responses. Another provider may be selected by selecting the drop down box again and choosing a different provider. Once a new provider is selected the survey fields will update with the newly selected providers information.