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Nursing Facility Minimum Payment Amount


The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) is implementing a new Minimum Payment Amount Program for non-state government-owned nursing facilities. Eligibility for participating in the program and the methodology are governed by Title 1 of the Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §353.608.

Participation in this program is voluntary and is limited to non-state government-owned nursing facilities. A non-state government-owned nursing facility is defined as a nursing facility where a non-state governmental entity holds the license and is party to the facility's Medicaid contract. A non-state governmental entity is defined as a hospital authority, hospital district, healthcare district, city, or county.

Finalizing Documents for Period One

In order to finalize your eligibility for Period One, an individual with signature authority for your governmental entity (GE) must complete and sign the attached revised IGT Responsibility Agreement and submit a scanned copy of the agreement to The form must be received at the indicated e-mail by 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 1, 2014.  Please enter “xxxx IGT Responsibility Agreement” in the subject line of your e-mail, where “xxxx” is the 9-digit Medicaid contract number for your NF (if your agreement covers more than one NF, enter the name of the NFs’ controlling entity).  The original, signed revised form must be mailed to HHSC Rate Analysis, Mail Code H-400, P.O. Box 149030, Austin, TX  78714-9030, Attn:  Laura Marble.

View November 12, 2014 Stakeholder Notice (.pdf)

View an electronic version of the IGT Responsibility Agreement (.pdf)

View the list of non-state government owned nursing facilities (.pdf)

The requirement to sign and submit the attached, revised IGT Responsibility Agreement and the due date are non-negotiable.  NFs whose GEs are unable to complete and submit the Revised IGT Responsibility Agreement by the stated due date will not be eligible for participation in the MPA program for the first eligibility period; these NFs may be eligible to participate for the second eligibility period (September 2015 – August 2016) if they meet the enrollment deadlines for that eligibility period.  IGT Responsibility Agreements for the second eligibility period will be distributed to stakeholders in December 2014 and will be due to HHSC by February 28, 2015.

Enrollment Materials for Eligibility Period Two

View Guidelines for Contracts Relating to the Nursing Facility Minimum Payment Amounts Program (.pdf)

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) announces Enrollment for Period Two of the Minimum Payment Amounts Program (MPAP), period covering September 1, 2015 – August 31, 2016, for certain non-state government-owned nursing facility providers.   To qualify for period two of this program, the NF must be a non-state government-owned NF with a Medicaid contract effective date of March 1, 2015, or earlier.  All information relating to this program including required forms are located below.

To request participation, the non-state governmental entity that owns the NF must complete and submit the following documents to HHSC:  (1) IGT Responsibility Agreement; (2) HHSC Certification of Eligibility for Nursing Facility Minimum Payment Amounts Program; (3) HHSC Child Support Certification; (4) HHSC Vendor Information Form; (5) HHSC Certification Regarding Federal Lobbying; and (6) HHSC Certification regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion for Covered Contracts by 5:00 PM on February 28, 2015.  These forms must be scanned and emailed to Provider Finance Department at: The subject line of the e-mail should include the NF’s 9-digit Medicaid contract number; for e-mails covering more than one NF, the subject line of the e-mail should include the name of the controlling entity.  No extensions to the February 28, 2015, due date will be awarded and forms submitted after the due date will not be accepted.

View Cover Letter for Enrollment Period Two (.pdf)
View an electronic version of the IGT Responsibility Agreement (.doc)
View the HHSC Certification of Eligibility for Nursing Facility Minimum Payment Amounts Program (.xls)
View the HHSC Child Support Certification (.pdf)
View the HHSC Vendor Information Form (.pdf)
View the HHSC Certification Regarding Federal Lobbying (.pdf)
View the HHSC Certification regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion for Covered Contracts (.pdf)

Eligibility List

View the MPAP Period 2 and 2A Eligibility List (.pdf)

Please note that if your provider is highlighted in red, changes to the given paperwork need to be submitted as soon as possible. Please see the notes column for guidance.