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MAC Mental Health/Individuals with an Intellectual and Developmental Disability (MH/IDD)


Texas has operated the Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) project since 1995. MAC is the cost-based reimbursement methodology Texas uses to draw down federal matching funds for activities that facilitate client access to medically necessary Medicaid-funded services. The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has partners with local Mental Health/Individuals with an Intellectual and Developmental Disability authorities throughout Texas to implement MAC program for providers of MH/IDD services. The purpose of this partnership is to assist HHSC in providing effective and timely access to care for Medicaid recipients, more appropriate utilization of Medicaid covered services, and to promote activities that reduce the risk of poor health outcomes for the state's most vulnerable populations.

All MAC expenditures subject to reimbursement are Title XIX funds. The MAC reimbursements payments received from Medicaid Administrative Claims CFDA #93.778 are subject to the Single Audit Act. Therefore, the funds should be included on the SEFA (Statement of Expenditures of Federal Awards) on each entity's audited financial statements. If the MAC award is identified as a major federal program, the entity's external auditor should perform work deemed necessary to reduce risk and report the funds appropriately in accordance with the Annual Single Audit. The auditor should research all other requirements to ensure that MAC funds are appropriately audited and reported.

Related Information

Fairbanks, LLC-State of Texas Automated Information Reporting System (STAIRS) 

Rehabilitation Services - Mental Health Services

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Time Study

Guides / Manuals / Tutorials

MAC Financial Participation Guide (.pdf) - (06/16/2022)

MAC Video Tutorial - (10/15/2015)

Time Study and MAC Guide (.pdf) - (03/30/2012)

MAC Managing Contacts in STAIRS Guide (.pdf)


View a list of important notices regarding Medicaid Administrative Claiming for Mental Health and Individuals with an Intellectual and Developmental Disability.

Participation Documents

Contracting Information

The purpose of the Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) program is to provide State affiliated public agencies in Texas the opportunity to submit reimbursement claims for administrative activities that support the Medicaid program. To participate in the MAC program, the MH/IDD provider must be a public entity and enter into a MAC contract with the Texas Health & Human Services Commission (HHSC).

In addition to the contracting process, each MH/IDD provider must also have an active Texas Provider Identifier (TPI) and/or National Provider Identifier (NPI), meet HHSC training requirements and participate in the Random Moment Time Study (RMTS), which includes the certification of the participant list and participation in the time study. To enroll as a Medicaid provider, please complete the Texas Medicaid fee-for-service provider enrollment form on the Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) website at:

Visit the TMHP provider enrollment site.

A MH/IDD provider that is interested in participating for this upcoming Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) should consider beginning the process as soon as possible, as it may take many months to complete all paperwork and training requirements.

Listing and links to all forms required for participation in the MAC program by MH/IDD's.

Training Information

The link below contains information regarding the MH/IDD training information. It is IMPORTANT to carefully read all the information provided so as to fully understand who must attend "initial" training and who is eligible to take "refresher" training.

Learn more about training opportunities

Methodology / Rules:

The MAC program rules are located at Title 1 of the Texas Administrative Code, Part 15 Chapter 355, Subchapter J, Division 5, Rule 355.8095.

Preparers of MAC Financial Claims must apply the cost principles outlined in:

2 CFR Part 200; and Texas Administrative Code (TAC) rules located at Title 1 of the Texas Administrative Code, Part 15, Chapter 355, Subchapter J,

  • Rule 355.102 of this chapter (relating to General Principles of Allowable and Unallowable Costs),
  • Rule 355.103 of this chapter (relating to Specifications for Allowable and Unallowable Costs),
  • Rule 355.104 of this chapter (relating to Revenues); and
  • Rule 355.105 of this chapter (relating to General Reporting and Documentation Requirements, Methods, and Procedures).